Increasingly stringent policies and trends on plastic waste like the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy; and growing demand for sustainable solutions, are driving the quest for eco-friendly packaging alternatives in the fishing industry. Similar, to the fishing industry, temperature in transportation is critical for the pharmaceutical industry. The world Health Organisation (WHO) is making various recommendation and encouraging nations to enact laws regarding the disposal of waste of medical packaging.
Since 2017 the Icelandic company: Coolity ehf, ( ) through application of science, have been working on ways to develop and design sustainable insulation packaging. Such as by utilising natural materials like cellulose grassfibers, to replace the EPS cooling boxes, globally used by companies in the fishing industry. In Spring 2022, Coolity ehf. decided to join forces with Danish Technological Institute ( Together, Coolity and Danish Technological Institue will combine their sources of knowledge to develop ground-breaking high tech packaging solutions for the transporting of temperature sensitive products like medicine and fresh fish. Our initiative packaging solution is a combination of cellulose grasfibre packaging that maintains air in the same way as EPS packaging and with sufficient insulation features and is 100% compostable.